Flowers to brighten your day – These dahlias need a good vase!

Amazing flowers can brighten anyone’s day. Just look at this gorgeous pink and yellow dahlia! The last time I was at the Farmer’s Market at the San Francisco Ferry Building, I walked past these amazing pink and yellow flowers.

It was a chilly overcast morning which I think contributed to my camera capturing the beauty of these lush specimens. They were huge! Sometimes it is difficult to find the right vase for your flowers. There are so many to choose from and it seems that the flowers available to us have expanded beyond the usual roses, carnations, irises and lilies you can usually find at any market. It’s pretty mind blowing. In the case of these flowers I needed a wider mouthed tall vase for them to fit and to spread out nicely. What kind of vase would you use? What’s your favorite flower? Dahlias are so gorgeous!